Alătură-te Arkema

Lider mondial în chimia de specialitate și proiectant de materiale și soluții inovatoare, Arkema modelează materialele și creează noi utilizări care accelerează performanța clienților în materiale de proiectare ușoare, materiale ce au o sursa biologica sau biochimică, energii noi, gestionarea apei, soluții pentru electronică și performanță și izolatia casei. 

Cu vânzări anuale de 9,5 miliarde EUR și 21.100 de angajați în aproximativ 55 de țări, grupul francez urmărește obiective ambițioase de recrutare în întreaga lume.
Arkema oferă diverse oportunități de angajare în 200 de funcții și profesii în patru domenii majore: industrial, cercetare și dezvoltare, afaceri și funcții de asistență. Aflați mai multe despre funcțiile noastre de locuri de muncă pe site-ul nostru de carieră .

Changing the world requires the right formula. The right formula consists of our innovative and sustainable materials, and you. Join us to develop the materials of tomorrow and make a difference together. What are you made of?

Alătură-te comunitații de talente

Rămâi conectat cu noi.

Înscrie-te mai jos si creează-ti profilul.


For the third year in a row, Arkema has been officially certified as a Top Employer in France, China, the United States and Brazil, and extended the certification to Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and the Philippines.

This Top Employer certification is given in recognition of the excellence of our HR practices in these ten countries, which account for more than two-thirds of our employees and recruitments worldwide.

The Top Employer audit covers all aspects of human resources: recruitment of talent, quality of life at work, career management, training and skills development, as well as our efforts to promote diversity and inclusion.

Arkema has made further progress in the latest Forbes ranking, coming 94th out of 700 companies, 12th among French companies and 2nd in its sector.

We are proud of our progress in this ranking, which demonstrates our ability to foster a work culture that is motivating and attractive to candidates, as well as a climate of engagement and well-being for employees.

This is the fourth consecutive year that Arkema has appeared in this ranking, and the company continues to improve: the Group was ranked 113th in 2022 and 259th in 2020.

The survey is conducted independently by the Statista Institute among a large sample of more than 170,000 employees from 5,000 companies in 50 countries.

ARKEMA recognized by young talents

For the 5th time in a row, Arkema has been awarded the HappyIndex® Trainees 2024 France label.

Arkema ranked 12th out of 42 companies hosting between 200 and 499 interns and work-study students, with a recommendation rate of 92%.

In the chemical/healthcare sector, Arkema came 2nd.

This ranking is based on a survey carried out by ChooseMyCompany, which exclusively collects the opinions of our interns and alternates, and measures commitment and motivation at work.

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